Amanda Lynn Livingston

Austin, Texas
I am an aspiring photographer, with skills in design and writing. I was a member of the Eagle's Eye newspaper a Akins High School in Austin, Texas, for three years. In my time on staff I served as a writer, editor of the Opinions section, and Editor in Chief. I will be attending the School of Art and Design at Texas State University in the fall of 2016.


Amanda Lynn Livingston


I was born and raised in Austin, Texas. This city is my home and my heart. I began wanting to work on photography when I was 12, and as I've grown the past few years I've developed an interest and love of journalism by being apart of The Eagle's Eye newspaper at Akins High School. I worked on staff for The Eagle's Eye for three years, serving as first a staff writer my sophomore year. I became the editor of the Opinions section and served as the Editor in Chief my senior year.

I will be attending Texas State University starting in the fall of 2016, as a photography major in the Art and Design School. While photography will be my focus, I hope to work for the University Star to further develop my journalistic skills.